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Hajj Itinerary

Hajj 2022 Itinerary

June 29/30
Departure from US, arrival at Madinah airport, Al-Alaa staff will greet you and transfer you to your Madinah hotel.
Stay at Madinah hotel and enjoy the peacefulness of Medina. Your hotel is located within a short walking distance to Masjid Al Nabawi where you have the opportunity of offering the five daily prayers in Masjid Al Nabawi. Visit Al-Baqi and a guided tour to historical places (Masjid Quba, Masjid Qiblatain and Jabal Uhud).
Depart Madinah to Makkah by air-conditioned private bus. You will be staying at Al-Alaa Private Building in Aziziyah. After check-in, you will make your way to the Haram to perform your Umrah as a group, inshaAllah.
Departure for Mena by private buses, where you will be directed to Al-Alaa Mena air-conditioned tent.
Depart to Arafat and stay in air-conditioned tent. After sunset your group will depart to Muzdalifa for overnight stay & then return to Mena.
Upon arrival in Mena, we will guide you to the Jamaraat to perform Throwing (Ramii Aqabah). Then you can trim or shave your hair, and make Tawaaf El Efada & Saii.
Perform your Throwing (Ramii at all three Jamaraat).
After performing your last Throwing, you will be transported to your hotel in Makkah (Days of Hajj as well you will have access to your Makkah hotel).
Perform Farewell Tawaaf, Transfer you to Jeddah Airport and Return to your home, inshaAllah. May Allah grant us a safe & easy journey and accept our Hajj, Ameen.
** Please note that this itinerary is tentative and is subject to change due to Lunar calendar.